Incoming Students
I.S.S.M. “Vecchi-Tonelli” of Modena (ERASMUS ID Code: I MODENA05)
welcomes incoming students, teachers and staff.
Students attending 1st or 2nd cycles (Bachelor or Master) at Partner Institutes can apply for anErasmus+ mobility at I.S.S.M. “Vecchi-Tonelli” of Modena.
Applications are to be sent by e-mail (to before April 30st.
All lessons and courses are taught in Italian. Although most of our teachers speak English or other languages, it is therefore necessary to have at least an adequate knowledge of the Italian Language: the recommended language level is B1.
We offer Italian language courses during the first period.
Applications must include:
- Application form with a passport size photo
- Learning Agreement
- Transcript of academic records from your Home Institution
- A CD or DVD demo, or a link to a video channel containing at least 10 minutes of music performed by the applicant. Either a teacher from the home Institution must sign the CD recording as proof, or the video must show the performer in a way that easily allows their identification.
Composers are expected to submit a portfolio (either on paper or digital) of selected compositions of their own.
Applications must be sent by the Erasmus+ or International Relations office of applicants’home Institution.
The applications and the recordings will be examined by a Commission, and students will be accepted if there are available places in the required classes.
The Erasmus+ office will send the results to the Erasmus+ office of the incoming applicants not later than May 31st, and admitted students will be required to give confirmation upon their acceptance not later than June 15th.
Their home Institution will receive an official acceptance letter and the original approved copy of the student’s Learning Agreement.
Before leaving be sure to take with you:
- Valid identity card or passport.
Non-EU citizens should bring a Visa and, if necessary, the residence permit - The EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), or the model E106, or a private health
insurance - The Learning Agreement approved by both your Home Institution and I.S.S.M.
“Vecchi-Tonelli” di Modena
Erasmus coordinator: Giuseppe Fausto Modugno
Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Vecchi-Tonelli” di Modena,
via Carlo Goldoni 2/10, 41121 Modena (MO), Italy